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This Feels Like the End for Tiger Woods

Dan Beyer & Monse Bolaños are filling in for Covino & Rich today and they react to the news that Tiger Woods underwent surgery on his Achilles tendon today and they consider the implications for his future as a professional golfer. He is planning to rehab and return to competitive golf but the real question is: can he?

Dan Beyer: “He’s going to be 50 in December and, if you didn’t believe it before, I think that this is the final, this is the final one. There’s no way that you can really come back from this...If you don’t believe it now, I don’t know what to tell you but this sure feels like the end.”

Monse Bolaños: “...I do believe it now but I just because I believe it, I don’t think Tiger believes it. At least, he’s not going to admit it.”

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